
Oxygen-Ozone Therapy is a medical practice that consists in administering a certain amount of pure oxygen and ozone. The mixture is produced at the time of use, as ozone deteriorates in oxygen in a time that depends on a number of parameters, such as concentration, room temperature, syringe capacity, etc.
It has a number of applications in the medicine field, due to the effects that can be obtained:
Local and systemic antibacterial and antiviral effect: local administration has a bactericidal, fungicidal and virustatic effect, whereas on a systemic level it can cause immune system activation.
Antioxidant action: the administration of an oxygen-ozone mixture induces the release and activation of Nrf2 protein, with the consequent production of endogenous antioxidants and an improvement in antioxidant defence mechanisms.
Improvement in the release and use of the body’s oxygen: administration increases the production of 2,3 Diphosphoglycerate with a shift in the haemoglobin curve and consequent greater transfer of O2 to the tissues.
Immunomodulatory action: the oxygen-ozone mixture induces the production of certain cytokines, and the suppression of others, involved in the regulation of immune system activities, which makes use possible in cases of both immunodeficiency and autoimmune diseases.
Analgesic and muscle-relaxant action: the oxygen-ozone mixture induces the inhibition by oxidation of the algogenic metabolites, it inhibits caspase and improves local microcirculation, by modulating the levels of nitric oxide.
Therapy is administered by means of various methods and with different concentrations of ozone in oxygen (μg / ml). In medicine, the recommended concentration range varies from 7-10 to 50 micrograms of ozone per cc of oxygen.
Injections: intramuscular, subcutaneous, peritendinous, intra-articular, peri-articular.
Topical applications: the oxygen-ozone mixture is made to flow at the correct concentration using a bell or airtight plastic bag.
Insufflations: intra-tubal, tonsillar, vaginal, rectal.
Ozonated water and ozonated oil.
Systemic therapy with an oxygen-ozone mixture is administered by collecting, through a normal venous port, a sample of a certain quantity of blood that is collected in a sterile and inert container destined for the purpose. The correct amount of oxygen-ozone, in a 1:1 ratio, is added to the sample at the concentration needed for the condition to be treated. It is then carefully mixed and immediately re-infused.
Angiology*: venous insufficiency, diabetic ulcer, post-phlebitic ulcer, ischaemia, pressure sores and gangrene, phlebopathies, peripheral vascular disease and arterial disease.
Joint diseases*: Cervical, dorsal and lumbar disc herniation, osteoarthritic states, sciatica, brachial plexus pain, osteonecrosis, tendinosis, tendinopathy and bursitis.
Surgery*: Before and after surgical procedures
Dermatology: Acne, eczema, lipodystrophy (cellulite), infections secondary to various aetiological agents.
Gynaecology: Tubal adnexitis, bartholinitis, bacterial and protozoan infections, mycoses, vaginitis, dysmenorrhoea.
Intestinal illnesses: Crohn’s disease, ulcerative rectocolitis, colitis, metabolic syndromes, Helicobacter infection, gastritis, gastric ulcer, obstinate constipation.
Viral diseases: Herpes zoster and simplex, hepatitis.
Neurology: Migraine, cluster headache, depression, neurovascular disease, dementia of various origins, neuromotor reactivation, fibromyalgia, peripheral neuropathy, neuralgia.
Dentistry*: Treatment of tooth decay and post-surgical disinfection, osteonecrosis.
Oncology: Radio/chemotherapy adjuvant.
Immune system: Autoimmune diseases, states of immunodepression.
Urology: prostatitis, prostatic hypertrophy.
Cosmetic medicine*: Cellulite, teleangectasia, varices, lymphoedema, tissue elasticity, wrinkles.
* Situations in which ozone-activated platelet-rich plasma (PRPO3) took from the same patient (autologous), boosts the effect. PRPO3 contains (and releases following degranulation) various growth factors and cytokines able to stimulate bone and connective tissue. PRPO3 is an innovative technology, in that it makes it possible to repair bone, joint and epidermal tissue and wounds, due in part to ozone’s ability to stimulate growth factor release.
References: In addition, there are over 2400 scientific papers in the ISCO3/ Zotero database. http://www.zotero.org/groups/isco3_ozone
Vascular disorders
Ozone therapy is indicated in the treatment of both arterial and venous circulation problems and of chronic ulcers and pressure sores. In these latter cases, ozone’s disinfection effect is associated with tissue re-epithelisation.
In addition, significant advantages can be obtained in the treatment of microcirculation conditions, such as vasomotor and/or cluster headaches and in dry degenerative maculopathy.
Orthopaedic conditions
In the case of numerous osteoarticular and musculoskeletal conditions, characterised by intense pain symptoms, treatment has been seen to achieve excellent results. Its use is efficacious in both acute conditions with inflammatory symptoms and chronic degenerative diseases. The results obtained show very good efficacy in diseases of both the large and the small joints.
The oxygen-ozone mixture is also indicated in a vast range of acute and chronic tendonopathies, bursitis and in a number of degenerative orthopaedic diseases.
Hernias and lumbar and cervical discal bulging
The oxygen-ozone mixture has both a mechanical action, with a disulphide bond-breaking process, dehydration of the herniated or bulging material, which is recognised as being non-self, and acts on the inflammation and pain that occur in the case of nerve root compression.
The regression of symptoms is rapid and complete, especially due to the gradual elimination of the causes of the symptoms, and the advantages over other traditional methods consist above all in the absence of side effects and very high efficacy.
Osteoarthritis is the “most common invalidating illness” in the world and affects almost 10% of the global population and 50% of those over 60 years of age.
It impairs working capacity and the normal performance of the activities of daily living, such as household chores and caring for personal hygiene. It initially only presents during joint movements, especially after immobility, upon waking in the morning or during movements while asleep. In the later stages, it also presents at rest, favoured by prior joint abuse and changes in the weather. The synergistic effect of combining conventional treatments and ozone therapy has allowed a significant improvement in osteoarthritis as regards both function and pain. In this way, it interrupts the normal, degenerative evolution of the condition. In addition to constantly improving pain symptoms, ozone favours the relaxation of the muscle fasciae involved with consequent recovery in overall flexibility and function.
Peripheral arterial disease
The therapy is indicated for arterial circulation problems, given its positive effect on conditions of inadequate oxygen supply, as in the case of peripheral arterial occlusive disease with intermittent claudication, cyanosis and trophic alterations.
Venous disease, trophic ulcers
The use of oxygen-ozone therapy for chronic venous insufficiency can have positive results in terms of both functional and cosmetic aspects. Patients enjoyed a significantly greater improvement, over the same period, in vascular condition or a significantly faster improvement with an effect of the same entity, than with the standard treatment.
Systemic ozone therapy is a highly efficacious technique with good tolerability and excellent acceptability in the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency.
In addition, treatment with ozone has been seen to be efficacious in the treatment of sores and ulcers, allowing the disinfection of lesions and a consequent trophic effect.
It favours the healing process by permitting better oxygen delivery to the damaged area and by accelerating metabolic processes.
Lipodermatosclerosis and localised lipodystrophies
Localised lipodystrophies and lipodermatosclerosis (Panniculopathy) are conditions that differ from cellulite. They constitute a pathological condition rather than a mere cosmetic problem and must therefore be treated promptly with adequate medical therapy. One method that provides scientifically verifiable and accepted results is oxygen-ozone therapy.
Physical and rehabilitation medicine
Ozone’s anti-inflammatory properties have positive results in the treatment of osteochondritis, degenerative chronic joint disease, knee osteoarthritis and hip osteoarthritis, or in sports injuries that cause inflammation and pain.
Ozone also acts by relieving tension in those districts in which the sequelae of injuries or incorrect physical exercise persist.
Immune disorders
Ozone is a regulator of cytokines, which are fundamental for immune system activity.
It has a stimulating effect on the production of cytokines, such as interferon, tumour necrosis factor and interleukins, with antiviral ad immunomodulatory properties and it suppresses pro-inflammatory cytokines.
Ozone’s immunomodulatory action has also been observed as being efficacious in combatting viral and bacterial diseases and corresponding symptoms.
Chemotherapy adjuvant
The purpose of using oxygen-ozone, at appropriate concentrations, in chemotherapy protocols is to increase therapeutic efficacy without increasing toxicity.
An interesting scientific discovery made in recent years (2003) is that ozone can be generated in vivo by activated neutrophils. This finding is particularly important as it proves the physiological role of ozone, or similar molecules, not merely as bactericidal agents, but as an integral part of the physiological inflammation amplification and associated gene modulation mechanisms.
N.B.: This information is intended for medical sector professionals ONLY